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Week 2 What is Music Discussion

Week 2 What is Music Discussion

Q What Is Music? 3030 unread replies.3030 replies. The title speaks for itself. I realize this question is extremely vague and quasi-subjective is music is an art form and like any art form it not only has its various styles but also a wide range of personal opinions. It is almost as superfluous as questions such as "what is the sound of one-hand clapping" or" if a tree falls in the forest and noonw is around does it make a noise" (yes by the way it does). But a question such as "what is music" is meant to engage and open up your minds. Many if not all of you listen to music on a daily basis but I guarantee those same people never really contemplate this question. I would like to know what music is to YOU. I do not want a dictionary answer (I am a musicologist, I know them). I want to know your thoughts of what music is. In your response think of the following: What makes music music (meaning components/characteristics)? Why do you listen to music? These responses can be as short or as long as you like. They can be anything from scientific (definitions and qualities) to philosophical. NOTE: if you choose the philosophical route please do not just write something like "music is life". While that sounds cool and meaningful, it really says nothing. ALWAYS justify your answers. Why is music life? What I do not want are value judgements such as music is something that makes you feel good or sounds nice etc. Just because something sounds "good" "bad" etc does not define it as music (trust me when I say I have music I love that most of you will think is the most horrible thing you have ever heard...but then again I am sure you and your parents have said that about yours and others' musical tastes. Unlike Discussion 1, I am not posting my own definition. I would like you to respond to as many posts as possible; like the ones that speak to you (don't just go clicking the like button...actually write something) BUT you a required to only respond to a minimum of two (2) of your peers. I will take the responses and then we can compare them to the musicological definition I will be providing.

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Music to me is that creative form of art which is pleasant to the ears and soothing to the mind. Music is associated with rhythm and sound that are played in a particular form so that it creates a pleasant and ever lasting effect in the mind of the listeners.